Kelly Hirai classwork from University of New Mexico

These are materials and recordings developed and inspired from activities surounding my stay at the University of New Mexico.


Composed in 1998. Lost and then found about a year later with the thought, "Wow, did i really make this?". Pentatonics study inspired by tryouts for Gamelan Encantada. Actual length of piece is around 5 hours. Originally titled "The astromonical grace of entropy". Composed with QBASIC, and Cakewalk. Developed from these three themes [midi]: oa ob oc
o3 [midi]: o3

Planets Piece for String Orchestra.

Recorded 1998? Chris Shultis, conducting vollunteers from the UNM String Orchestra. This piece reflects the position of the planets as viewed from earth going through a perfect alignment 2/3's of the way through the piece. Piches are the planets positions against the zodiac, volume proportional to their opposition to the sun. I believe i only used the visible planets. A one point i had a fantasy that i would produce an impossable piano part that would track the position of the moon, using a higher resolution tempo to reflect it's lunacy, and having Chris Miller play it. The other variation of the piece which wasn't fulfilled was that it be played glisando. If I'm remembering the pulse steps along in weeks roughly. Source code written in QBASIC. Score was hand copied from the output.
mp3 miseribly documented sources

Chris's Shoulder

Composed December 2002, with csound and c++, this is a fractal pentatonic pitch pattern starting quietly at 30bpm and doubling in tempo every 3 seconds to a final tempo of about 1966080bpm. Dedicated to the music carnage of Chris Schultis's injured shoulder, machine working musical territories hazardous to humans.
mp3 sources dir  tar.gz

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Last modified March, 13 2012